Presentations, Workshops, Public Speaking

Living In Harmony - How and What does it mean to live a Holistic Lifestyle?
Whether you are totally new and intrigued by the idea, or maybe you are already incorporating natural choices into your life, Shannon will offer simple, yet profound understandings of the why, how and what Holistic truly means, along with easy self-care practices to integrate into your life.
High Vibration Essential Oil Experience
Learn and experience the benefits of Self-Care!
Enter into a sacred circle. Experience a variety of essential oils throughout the class to raise your vibration while being guided through gentle movements, breath techniques, hands-on healing, and meditation for grounding, energy cleansing, and bringing the Mind, Body, and Spirit into Full Circle Harmony.
Vision Boards - The Power of Manifesting!
In this unique Vision Boarding experience, you will create a board depicting all that you wish to draw into your life. Shannon will guide you through various steps in which you will identify those things that no longer serve you, decide what you want to focus your intentions on in the future and create a visual to focus your attention on. Set the future you want to receive in motion with intention, attention and no tension!
Spiritual Cleansing, Protection and Connection – Bring on the Good Vibes!
Shannon will lovingly guide you inward to discover how we CAN bring about positive changes to our life. Empower us with spiritual tools such as cleansing and protecting our energetic self, cleansing our homes of unwanted or foreign energies, effective physical cleansing through movement and breath, earthing our energies with good grounding techniques, and the powerful healing of the heart that comes from connecting in a sacred circle of unity.
Shannon will offer participants an opportunity to be included in a group smudging and honoring of the sacred circle of life.
During this event, we will participate in some gentle and cleansing breath techniques, inspiring ways to offer self-loving kindness,
Many techniques exist for spiritual cleansing. Smudging is the sacred act of burning special herbs to create a cleansing smoke bath that is used to purify: people, ceremonial tools, objects, your home or healing space.
In this workshop we will also discuss:
What is energy healing? How does it work? What does it feel like?
Spiritually cleanse yourself, others, home and office from unwanted energies
Conduct a group smudging outdoor (weather permitting)
Learning about the seven sacred directions and participate in blessing.
Protect yourself from unwanted energies and energy vampires
Honoring the sacred-self
Energetic Self-healing techniques
Our joyful inter-contentedness
Utilize crystals for cleansing and enhancing positive changes
Release old stagnant emotions and psychic clutter
Optional: A variety of topic related items can be available for purchase after this workshop. sage, smudging tools, crystals, feathers, etc..
We are All Connected - Way of the Willow and Dream Catcher Making
Sharing the story of the Dream Catcher, Dream Catcher Meditation with Essential oil, making a Dream Catcher to take home.
Native Wisdom - The Art of Smudging, Honoring Sacred Medicines & Craft your own Smudging Feather Fan
Smudging is the sacred act of burning special herbs to create a cleansing smoke bath that is used to purify people, ceremonial tools, objects, your home, or healing space.
In this workshop Shannon will offer explanation and demonstration of how to use a simple smudge using the herbal sacred plants of sage, essential oil of sage, palo santo stick, palo santo essential oil and Sweetgrass.
We will also learn about the earth, water, fire, and air direction tools we use in traditional Native American smudging. You will also learn about honoring the winged ones, with a demonstration on how to dress a feather (customize & decorate it) to honor its energy and spirit. This personalizes the feather with your own sacred energy medicine.
This class is offered Virtually & In-Person - an opportunity to purchase a “dress your own feather” tool kit or you can use your own materials.
Honoring the Sacred Circle - 7 Sacred Directions
What is a medicine wheel, what do the different directions mean, Our role in the sacred circle of life. - Make your own medicine wheel to take home.
Teachings of the Sacred 7 Elders
Includes traditional storytelling, worksheets, gift, and spiritual teachings.
Burning Bowl: Fire Release and Manifesting
Identify what does not serve you in a positive and productive way - this written declaration will be offered to a sacred fire in ceremony for releasing. Identify what does serve me in a positive and productive way and create positive affirmations - this written declaration will be offered to a sacred fire in ceremony for Manifesting. Both aspects of Releasing of "what does not serve you" and Manifesting "what does serve you" is a powerful and profound experience to get out of "stuck" energy and mindset, so you can move forward towards the life you wish to lead.
Creating Energy Infused Items
Includes various make and takes. Crystal Elixirs, Essential Oil Sprays, Roll-on's, and Whiff-Sticks
Chakra Energy Balancing with Pendulums
Includes self and partner assessments.
Crystal Grids for Beginners
Includes crystal chakra kit, and Crystal Guide Book with Grid Templates
Integrating Reiki in the Medical Field
Lecture only
Reiki Training & Certification
Reiki I Cert. - is all about DISCOVERY - of self, this path you are on, of others, the universe, etc.. Learn Reiki Self Care.
Reiki II Cert. - is all about your inner Healer stepping forth! Mental, Physical, Emotional & Distant Reiki. Become a Reiki Practitioner.
Reiki Master Cert. - is obtaining the title and status of a professional Reiki Master with the ability to attune others to Reiki.
Reiki IV Cert - is becoming a Reiki Master Teacher with the ability to teach and hold Reiki Classes.
Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Labor, Birth & Beyond
What essential oils can support me in pregnancy, labor, birth and beyond? Shannon's share's from her 13+ years experience of using essential oils as a Certified Doula, and Prenatal Yoga instructor. Great education for mama-to-be, couples, doula's, midwife's, chiropractors, those in the Birth-Supporting community or anyone who wants to learn more about essential oils for this topic.
Pregnancy, Labor, Birth & Beyond
Workshop includes lecture, movement, breath, and hands-on role-playing for pregnant couples/birthing partners.
Caring for and Creating Our Spiritual Toolbox
What are my unique spiritual tools? What else can I use? Is there a special way to care for them? Optional: Includes smudge kit, and/or Community trading/sharing.
How to hold a Talking Circle - make your own sacred Talking Stick
Talking Circle and making a talking stick, includes how to host a talking circle
Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Basics
What is true Aromatherapy? How and why does it work? Incorporating essential oils into your lifestyle or profession is popular and effective! Enhance relaxation or add to a massage as a wonderful option to help ease muscular discomfort, relieve day to day tensions, rejuvenate the senses, uplift the spirit, and maintain a healthy outlook on life. In this experiential class you will learn about the best essential oils to enhance your intentions, how to customize and use essential oils safely, focusing on learning the holistic values of the most popular essential oils and how they can maintain healthy structure function of the body and its energy. We will also cover the history of aromatherapy, safety issues and contraindications. This class is beneficial for learning how to use essential oils in your own personal life, with friends, family and/or to incorporate in your professional practice. – Learn specific hands-on applications such as; Vita Flex and The Grounding Technique. Everyone will have the opportunity to create their own Essential Oil Spritzer in a glass bottle to take home. This fun hands-on workshop is designed to teach you everything you want to know about using Essential Oils personally as well as professionally.
This class is open welcome to the public and professionals. 5 CEU's for NCTBMB
Learn the Raindrop Technique
Learn this powerful, non-invasive, revolutionary way for helping restore harmony and balance back to the body!
The Raindrop Technique is the art of dripping unadulterated, therapeutic-grade Young Living essential oils onto the body from a height (like rain), so that the oils interact with the physical body as well as the energy field. These oils are then “feathered in” using a spine-tingling technique. This was inspired by the Native American belief that raindrops falling from a height may purify and cleanse the body and spirit. Because the essential oils easily penetrate the skin and muscles, the technique works on deep levels of the body without requiring hard pressure or force. The Young Living® essential oils used most commonly in the technique are Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Cypress, Wintergreen or Birch, Marjoram and Peppermint, and the blends Valor and Aroma Siez. However, other oils may be added or substituted as appropriate and as needed, including oils for supporting emotional support.
*Bring your own set of twin sheets for Hands-on Learning.
All participants will have the opportunity to give & receive full raindrop sessions on feet and back. 5 CEU's for NCTBMB
Introduction to Essential Oils
Are you finding Essential Oils everywhere you go these days? Are you tempted to buy them off the shelf at discount prices? Are you wondering if they will be safe, effective and pure? I am an Essential Oil Enthusiast, Educator, and Distributor. Come join me for an interactive conversation about the wonders of Essential Oils and learn how to be a choosy consumer. You and your family deserve the BEST oils available, and I will show you how to get them at 24% off!!!
Vitality and Energy with Essential Oils
In the hustle and bustle of today’s world, it can be difficult to maintain all those good intentions about living a more healthy lifestyle. But healthy living doesn’t have to be hard!!Come learn about my favorite oils to help in all four areas of health: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
The BEST for your Pets!
I often hear the question: “Can I use essential oils on my animals?” My answer: “Absolutely!”
Which oils are safe to use? How much can I apply? Should I diffuse or apply topically?
If you’ve ever had questions like these, I’m here to help!
Caring for your pets naturally is just a little bit easier thanks to Young Living’s Animal Scents Essential Oil Collection. This collection by Young Living contains 6 specially formulated essential oil blends to support your favorite pet! Your pet can also benefit from the specially design shampoo, repellent spray and treats!
Come find out why Young Living has the very best solutions for People and their Pets!
The Wonders of Thieves!
Join me to learn about Young Living’s Thieves line of products. I am OBSESSED with this line and think you will be too, especially when you learn all the toxic products you can replace with just Thieves cleaner!!!! I can’t wait to show you how easy these products make your life and the money you will save.
Cooking with Young Living Essential Oils
Young Living, the world leader in Essential Oils , is the only company to have an entire line of oils labeled in FDA compliance as “ingestible” oils. The line is named Vitality! These oils can be consumed in water, added to salad dressings, soups and sauces. Join me in class and learn how to add more nutrition, energy and vitality in your meals with Young Living Essential Oils!
UZIT - Urban Zen Integrative Therapy Group Class
This class is appropriate for everyone, whether you are simply in need of tender loving care or you are recovering from an illness or injury. UZIT was inspired by Donna Karan and developed by Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman Yee to serve hospital staff, patients and their families. UZIT addresses the symptoms of PANIC—Pain, Anxiety, Nausea, Insomnia, Constipation and Exhaustion—that accompany disease or injury. These modalities include gentle movements, restorative yoga poses, body awareness meditations, breath practices, essential oils and Reiki. No yoga experience necessary. Props provided. Leave this self-care sanctuary feeling calm, relaxed, and revitalized. “Bringing calm to the chaos is our motto.” says Pamela Hunter.